RAM Booster offers to boost your system performance by making rational use of available RAM memory. The program has an easy-to-use interface with a main window displaying real-time graphs of available physical and virtual memory.
The program can be set to clear the data stored in the clipboard. The user can also decide whether he wants the software to perform an automatic memory optimization when the available memory goes below a given percent (defined by the user). Another option will let the user decide to start the program by Windows start-up.
The "Optimize" button allows the user to initiate the optimization process, which will defragment physical memory, recover memory from Windows and your applications and recover memory leaks from unstable programs, thus enabling the user to run RAM-demanding applications at a time without compromising system performance. In addition, the possibility of minimizing the program to the system tray saves precious screen space.
A first test of the software showed that the program failed to respond during the optimization process and some of the applications running at that time went unstable. A second test showed more positive results, but the software still took too long to perform this process.
The user help has been carefully organized and really helped me find my way.